Sunday, June 8, 2008

Olde World Fun

I have a group of 5 guys that I play video games with about once a month. We all used to work together at an Internet service provider and have stayed close ever since. We used to play things like Battlefield 1942 and Ghost Recon but one of the guys had been playing this new game... World of Warcraft. We resisted it for a few months because of the monthly fee but we finally gave in and decided to get trial accounts. That was almost 2 and a half years ago...

Now our game nights have become exclusively WoW nights. Thursday was a game night and we decided to poke around some old world content... It's stuff I've missed because I levelled all of my characters solo so it's nice to have a built in party to explore some of the old stuff... Particularly now that I have a better idea what's going on. I've been to through most of the instance before but I was just following some guys who had been there before and we were generally overgeared for the instances.

We did the Jailbreak! quest (for the third time... We wiped the first time and one guy ran out before the quest completed so he failed the quest) and then we went through all the content around the bar with our mid-50's level toons. We nubbed up a few things but for the most part it went well. And it was nice to rediscover our WoW roots... But if I NEVER do the Jailbreak! quest again it will be too soon. All the horde who whined about how hard their Onyxia attunement quest was clearly never did that quest.

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